Harmony School Solar Greenhouse Project

Friday, February 24, 2006

Worker List

We are looking for all kinds of volunteers. Spread the word!

Materials list

If you have any ideas for possible sources or donors for some of the materials list, please post a comment!

If you have any ideas for possible sources or donors for some of the materials list, please post a comment!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Key Descriptions and Notes: issue #1

Use these pages to navigate the numbered views.

Greenhouse Floor Plan

Construction View: East

Finish View: West

Please see Issue #1 of notes for numbered descriptions.

Finish View: South

Please see Issue #1 of notes for numbered descriptions.

Finish View: East

Please see Issue #1 of notes for numbered descriptions.

Finish View: North

Please see Issue #1 of notes for numbered descriptions.